Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Austrian Wedding... then off to Switzerland

This weekend I was priviledged enough to be invited to a traditional Austrian wedding. Mathias, whose bachelor party I attended at the castle, is now heiraten. The actual wedding ceremony is nearly identical to an American one take two things, there is no wedding party of groomsmen or bridesmaids, and the bride and groom sit throughout the ceremony.

Afterwards, still at the church, everybody is invited to a small lunch of traditional open-faced sandwiches and champaign. Those who have an additional invitation then proceed to the reception.
The reception in this scenario, as I was told, was very traditional. Austrian weddings are formal, every male from 16 years and up had a suit and tie. The reception was also formal. It was held at a large meeting hall that is relatively new, built somewhere in the early 1900s.
There were a handful of skits that entertained through a large catered dinner. Most skits involved singing and/or children and acting.
In a most traditional style, a Kärtener small brass band played a variety of music. It's not really oom pah, but not classical either. Nearly everybody danced. The local dance favorite is a fast moving, spinning sort of dance. I danced with a girl I did not know - it took a lot to even try.
I'm off tonight via night train to Zurich, Switzerland. I'll head North upon arrival to Lake Constance on the Swiss and German border. I'll spend all week along the lake. I'm hoping that my hostel will have internet but we shall see. Cheers to Mathias and his new marriage (oh the wedding and reception lasted nearly 14 hours - they're long winded here).

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